Engineered Flooring
Engineered 1-Bis Grade
Clean grade, no sapwood, filled and sanded knots up to approx. 15 mm diameter, no strong colour variety, no heartwood. This grade creates a calm, clean, contemporary look across the floor.

Engineered Rustic AB Grade
A mixture of Rustic A and Rustic B, filled and sanded knots up to approx. 60 mm diameter, natural colour variety and little sapwood allowed. This grade shows off most of all the beautiful natural wood features in the floor.

Engineered Rustic BC Grade
Mix of Rustic B and Rustic C, knots filled and sanded, unlimited sapwood and heartwood allowed. A more Characterful Grade displaying all natural features, any open knots are filled.

Engineered Mix Grade
A mix grade means ungraded after the production process. It means that all characteristics of Prime, 1-Bis, Rustic A, Rustic B and Rustic C grade can be encountered in the grade but do not necessarily have to all be evenly present.

Depending on the batch of raw material that is being produced it can often come out cleaner than expected. Nevertheless, all different features are allowed.